The Black Craft of The Deviant Outcast

This site stands as a living, breathing monument dedicated to all those shunned by the waking world… Those who carry out their work by the light of Luna, and the powers that guide and protect them.

For these are the true inheritors of the old ways. The body of ritual and lore that some have called “the craft of the wise” lives on through the wretched outcast even today. To be wise – truly wise, ahead of one’s time, is to be hated. This is the way of the world. There is no escape save the night rides and the waking company of one’s fellow damned.

We Are Proud To Call Ourselves Witches

I accepted my fate long ago, and it is my sincere hope that all the devil’s own will learn to do the same. Because we didn’t choose this life. Whether by chance, the hand of fate, or some sick cosmic joke… It chose us.

True Witches Are Born, Not Made

The initiatory experiences we undergo simply “seal the deal”. Many of us, myself included, knew that we were witches before we even knew what that meant. It’s a part of us. It may be the only part that ultimately matters, because it seems to transcend death itself. “Once a witch, always a witch” the old saying goes.

Do You Belong To Our Ancient Family?

If so, I suspect you already know. Perhaps not yet on a conscious level… It could be a feeling deep within you. A longing for something more, a voice calling you down into the land of fairy. It is my hope that this site will provide the final push needed to bring you home. Because in a broken society on an ailing planet, the world needs witches. I greet you, the hidden children of the old ones, as we witches do…

Merry Meet